Press Release


21/09/2020 by Sofía Benavides


For more than 32 years, Veconinter has been dedicated to providing quality solutions and services within the maritime industry. This year has not been the exception; hence, seeking to respond to the logistics world's new demands, we present our new analytical solutions service VecoMetrics.

VecoMetrics is an analytical solution that provides both importers and exporters the benefit of having greater visibility in their operations, optimizing times, minimizing expenses, and maximizing profitability.

This new technological tool allows us to evolve in our service offering, providing competitive advantages that will enable you to obtain greater efficiency through the control of your operations, reducing expenses, increasing income, minimizing the risk of financial exposure. Obtaining valuable information for future results, making timely decisions to manage your logistics operations.

 Additionally, we are promoting our Pre-Alerts service, which allows you to strategically manage your D&D, accurately planning your intermodal turn around time. 

We invite you to request your pre-alert service through our website:

With more than 32 years of experience in the maritime industry, we continue to pave the way to stay at the forefront of technology and provide our clients and consignees with a unique, innovative, and technological experience, where strategic information and functionality are our main focus for best service results.