Basic concepts about container types

04/09/20150 CommentsSEO SEO
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Modern container shipping was established in 1955 by Malcolm McLead, a trucker from North Carolina (USA) when he realized it would be simpler and quicker to transport entire truck trailers with their cargo still inside. This idea revolutionized the entire cargo transportation and trade system to our days.

The container or intermodal transport unit is defined as “a large box that goods are placed in so that they can be moved from one place to another on a ship, airplane, train, or truck”. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2015)

Containers are made in accordance with the regulations established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 and their characteristics will depend on the type of content that is going to be shipped. Here there is a short description of the most frequent varieties:

  • Dry Van: These are the most common containers for maritime transport and can be used to move almost any type of cargo. Hermetic and without ventilation. There are three variations, depending of the size: Dry Van 20 (20x8x86), Dry Van 40 (40x8x86) and Dry Van High Cube (40x8x96).
  • Reefer: The refrigerated containers are used to transport temperature sensitive cargo. These containers have an integral refrigeration unit that controls temperature ranging from -30C, -40C, -65C up to 30C, 40C. Available with the sizes of 20, 40 and 40 High Cube.
  • Open Top: These containers have an open top covered by a tarpaulin instead of a solid roof that facilitates the loading and unloading process of oversized cargo. These units count with lashing rings at the inside base of the container to secure and prevent shifting of cargo during movement. There are two sizes: 20 and 40 feet.
  • Flat Rack: Along with the Dry Van, the flat rack is another popular container variety. Used for the transportation of large cargo like machinery. With fixed or folding sides, in 20 or 40 feet.
  • Platform: These containers don´t have sides or roof. They are used for the shipping of odd-sized cargo, which does not fit on or in any other type of container. Available in variations of 20 and 40 feet.
  • Tank: This type of unit has diverse applications. It is designed to transport chemical products, liquids or gasses, oils, and wines. Most of these containers are built with a standard measure of 20 feet.

With more than 27 years of experience bringing a comprehensive management to its clients, Veconinter does not just lead the processes of invoicing and collection related to the management of the containers, but also through a highly qualified and professional staff that offers services of inspections, insurance policies, and equipment control. Under any scenario, Veconinter has become the best solution for the maritime industry.

Venezolana de Control Intermodal is a corporation founded in 1988, specialized in the administrative management of billing and collection for the maritime industry that offers an integrated operational process to intermodal equipment. The organization has operations in more than 14 countries and serves as a reference for the sector, based on its technological innovation, quality processes and total satisfaction of the clients. Veconinter works with the ten of the largest shipping lines worldwide.

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