Panalpina, the freight forwarding and logistics company with headquarters in Switzerland, issued a press release with the results for the first quarter of 2017 (Q1), stating that outperformed the air ...
DETAILSThe American carrier Sealand teamed up with Connect Americas –A social network committed to the promotion of trade and international investment in the Americas, created by the Inter-American Dev ...
DETAILSA survey conducted by Drewry Shipping Consultants and the European Shippers’ Council (ESC) revealed that shippers and forwarders are not satisfied with the customer services provided by con ...
DETAILSThe danish giant Maersk Line’s new addition is the world’s largest container vessel in the world: Madrid Maersk, delivered by the South Korean Daewoo Shipbuilding & Mari ...
DETAILSRepresentatives from local and head offices joined together for the event São Paulo, Brazil: Veconinter was one of almost 700 exhibiting companies that participated again in the mo ...
DETAILSAccording to an article posted by Reuters on Tuesday, shipping containers prices are at the highest levels since October 2015, which can be considered as a clear signal of int ...
DETAILSThe company aims to get closer to its customers through innovative solutions Miami, USA .- After unveiling its new corporate identity during the first day of the 23rd edition of the Intermodal Sout ...